Logo hochkant GmbH

Eberfinger Moor and Drumlinrunde

Municipality of Eberfing (Bavaria)

The stations of the ‘Eberfinger moor and Drumlinrunde’ are found directly in the area of the famous Drumlin fields of Eberfinger. A total of seven stations tell about the history of peat extraction, the ensuing damages to our climate, they reveal the biodiversity of Streuewiesen, and explain the geologic origin of Drumlins. Different interactive elements present the subjects clearly and invite the participants to take part. Folding boards for stacking of a raised moor, for example, make the education easier to conceive.

All the information relevant for the stations was researched in close collaboration with the customer, and produced in simple and understandable text with colorful pictures. A universal sign layout with an individually designed Logo ensures the signs are consistent and easily recognized.


Type: Nature Experience Path
Construction year: 2015
Stations: 7
