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Naturerlebnispfad „Mittelwaldweg“

Wälder und Waldwiesentäler am Steigerwaldrand
Iphofen (Bayern)

By a diverse combination of text and picture boards with interaction and active stations we conceived the exciting and informative Nature Experience Path ‘Mittelwaldweg’.  The "Mittelwaldweg" describes a medieval form of forest usage, which the town of Iphofen is continuing to use in their woods and sub-areas even today.

Along the way, the visitors are encouraged to take part and to try out our interactive stations like ‘Es werde Licht’ and ‘Schatzkammer Mittelwald’. By means of rotating or sliding displays they describe the diverse forest structures and their significance concerning biodiversity. With ‘Hau den Quercus’ the visitors engages their muscles and test how much strength would be necessary to fell an oak by hand.  By means of a wooden pile-installation called ‘Kennst du Rechtler, Laube, and Hegreiser’ the history of the Mittelwald’s economy is described, but also indicating the size of the current forestry industry.

One visit to the stations ‘Kennst du die Baumarten’ and ‘Holzzugwürfel‘, and the visitor really gets to know the various peculiarities of the region’s trees.  A passable plank labyrinth in the form of a tunnel bored out by insects allows provides a glimpse into the world of small animals which see oak as a particular delicacy.  An interrogative play and answer play stretches like a red thread through Mittelwaldweg and serves to deepen the knowledge.

True to our motto ‘everything out of one a hand’ we provided all textual content (after confirmation with several relevant contacts) and formed the signs. All stations were produced in our workshop and were installed by our construction team on site.


Type: Nature Experience Path
Construction: 2013
Signs / stations: 9 subject areas
Frames: Larch / Douglas fir
Signs: Oak
Weather protection: High-grade steel hipped roof
Foundation stations: Ground Screw



