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Play area for Sonneneck nursery school

An exciting play area has been constructed at Sonneneck nursery school in Essingen. The design of the facility includes various areas for motor skills and play, with the aim of providing appropriate opportunities for play and movement for children of all ages and developmental levels.

Two imaginatively designed play towers form the supporting structure of the multifunctional play area. They are connected to each other by a net rope bridge. Access is via a ramp and a balancing beam.  Children can slide back down to the ground on a bright red plastic slide. There is a sand lift and a chute to integrate the sandpit into the play area. An awning is also part of the area and provides ample shade in the sandpit. The multifunctional play area has been customised to fit into the outdoor premises of the nursery school.

Naturally grown trunks of robinia wood not only look attractive; they will also withstand wind and weather over a long period of time.


Type: Playground
Constructed: 2019
Standard: DIN EN 1176
